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2.1 rocket_client lib - Connecting to a Rocket Editor

A minimal example is included as

basic example

rocket editor window diagram


Rocket listens on localhost:1338. When we connect, a handshake is completed.

After this we listen to instruction bytes or send them to the editor.

For example, when the user edits a value in the editor, Rocket sends a message describing the track index, row and value of the key, and the interpolation type.

Then the demo tool has to update its own data, inserting a key value in a track in this case.

The interpolated values are calculated by the rocket_sync lib (overview in the next chapter).

Code Overview

The client is ~300 lines sloc, follow along with the code in

The SyncClient struct wraps a TcpStream which we use to send and receive bytes from Rocket.

The instruction bytes are represented by SyncCmd.

pub struct SyncClient {
    stream: TcpStream,

pub enum SyncCmd {
/// Connects to the Rocket Editor server and shakes hand with it
pub fn new(address: &str) -> Result<SyncClient, Box<Error>>

After a connection is established, a handshake is completed by sending hello, synctracker! and receiving hello, demo! as a response.

After this we listen with update() for further changes.

/// Read from the stream and process commands until the server runs out of
/// things to send.
/// Returns an Ok(true) if there should be a redraw.
pub fn update(&mut self, mut device: &mut SyncDevice) -> Result<bool, Box<Error>>

This runs a loop until the server runs out of things to send. The first byte is the instruction type, the rest will be the description of its data.

let mut is_sending = true;
while is_sending {
    match cmd_buf) {
      // ...
      // interpret the received instuction byte
      match code_to_cmd(cmd_buf[0]) {
          NOOP => info!("Received: CMD NOOP, byte {}", cmd_buf[0]),

          SetKey => self.handle_set_key_cmd(&mut device)?,

          DeleteKey => self.handle_del_key_cmd(&mut device)?,
          // ...
      // ...

The rest of the code is implementing the handler functions.

Handling pause state for example:

pub fn handle_pause_cmd(&mut self, device: &mut SyncDevice) -> Result<(), Box<Error>> {
    info!("Received: CMD Pause");;

    // get one byte, value 1 means paused
    let mut buf = [0; 1]; buf)?;;

    device.is_paused = { buf[0] == 1 };
    info!("bytes: {:?}", buf);
    info!("is_paused: {:?}", device.is_paused);


Onward to the sync lib!